
Another Big Goose Egg for Polar Bear Alarmists?

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A quick posting this morning, everyone!

I'll be back to posting climate articles more frequently in about two weeks, and I have tons of information to cover- information others would rather have you Not hear.

In today's news, Polar Bears. They're in trouble once again dontcha know, despite that fact that polar bear numbers in Canada alone, are (very likely*) two-thirds higher than is being reported by the 'mainstream' media.

What's wrong with them this time? Once again, somehow, not enough food...

And apparently this time, both sides are trying to use the issue. But that's why I present this information, whereas others on this site, will stick with quoting what they've been told by 'experts.'

Link to original article may be found below.


Polar Bear Myths: The Goose and The Egg

So, the hypothesis involving polar bears feeding on goose eggs is once again in the news and being used by both sides to discredit the other. A recent post at the Polar Bears International website ‘dispelling’ polar bear myths has led me to write a bit of a backgrounder and actually prove this myth ‘busted or not’.

Myth: Polar bears will supplement their diet with goose eggs. TRUE.

Polar bears have and always will be opportunistic animals. They eat almost anything if they think it will help them. This behaviour has been recorded through studies, observations by Parks Canada personnel, researchers, hunters, etc.

Myth: Polar bears eating goose eggs is a recent development caused by declining sea ice. FALSE.

If you look at the very early studies and observations of polar bears, you can find anecdotal evidence of goose egg harvesting. In Fred Bruemmers books from the early 1970s, Inuit hunters talk about the bears diet while on land, including raiding goose nests. In fact, much of what we ‘know’ about polar bears can be found in these very early books. It has since been rewritten by scientists but the fact remains that the Inuit and northerners knew much of this before science told them it was ‘discovered’.

MYTH: Polar bears could live on goose eggs instead of seals. FALSE

However, I have never actually heard anyone make this claim – other than PBI’s Steve Amstrup when he ‘dispels’ it. If ice breakup is one or two weeks earlier, goose eggs can make a difference in survival for some bears, nobody refutes this claim.

In fact, Amstrup goes on to state that it would take only 88 eggs or 22 goose nests to replace a seal’s caloric value to a polar bear. This is surprisingly low to me… and it actually, makes this crazy idea seem more plausible.

There are around 50,000 snow geese just in Wapusk National Park… in fact, the population was considered ‘out of control’ in early 2000s, maybe still is – they’ve had a few bad years though. Anyway, there are millions of snow geese and Canada Geese throughout the arctic. Snow geese are considered a threat as they ‘grub’ the tundra, pulling plants out by the root and leaving it as essentially a salt flat.

PBI also warns of a collapse in the goose population along Hudson Bay from 25,000 nesting pairs to 5,000 pairs. Well, if they had any knowledge of Churchill, they might know that 5,000 nesting pairs up here is not quite considered a bad thing. In fact, they really should know that its not that long ago that 5,000 nesting pairs was the population of geese up here (that was when we were saving snow geese – before we were saving bears but after we were saving caribou…).

Anyway, we have a ‘disaster’ because the sea ice is breaking up earlier and bears are starving and another ‘disaster’ because snow geese population is exploding and ruining the tundra. Now, it seems that more bears may be eating goose eggs as a means of supplementing their diet. This, in turn, would increase their chance of survival through their time on land while decreasing the population.

Now, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t reduce greenhouse gases, use less stuff, maximize sustainable energy resources… but that’s for our survival and you people aren’t children – at least, I hope you’re not because I swore just a couple blogs ago. But, duh, use less or accept the consequences. Pretty basic.

BUT… Wouldn’t it be something if nature managed to come to some sort of ‘balance’ with ice, bears and geese, at least for the short-term… What a rare and intriguing concept these days that nature has a way of taking care of itself.

Thank you PBI for dispelling this ‘myth’, I have more hope for Churchill’s bears than I ever did before.
You tell me.

Part of the argument here is whether or not Polar Bears are omnivores. Depending on who you read, they are, or they are not.

Those who prefer to claim that polar bears are going down the toilet, prefer you to believe that they are not.

Side note: apparently, 60% of all polar bears live in Canada. Also, according to people living in the field for centuries (the Innuit and other aboriginal groups), there are a LOT more polar bears out there, than is being let on by those who claim they are endangered.

Of course the alarmists would have you believe the Innuit are inflating the numbers, just so they can hunt more bears. But, Don't you think that is a fairly large Logic disconnect? If the Innuit just want to keep hunting polar bears, and they keep inflating numbers just so they can do so, then what happens when those numbers suddenly don't add up, and there are no bears left to hunt? Does that make the Slightest bit of sense? Polar bears are a large influence and factor in the lives of those who have lived in that region, for the past 10,000 years, and the alarmists would have you believe they suddenly want to hunt them into extinction.

I don't think most who listen to the alarmists, think such things through.

Original article, and a great deal more info on polar bears, may be found here [link]

Another excellent site for polar bear info is Polar Bear Science [link]
You will find the author of the site covering quite a bit of information concerning recent claims about polar bears.
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